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Firewalking shaman michelle martin  rian o'brien firewalking

Contact me to find out when the next Firewalking Empowerment Event is taking place.

Firewalking is one of the most empowering things any human can do. The power of walking through your fears helps you to smash through life's lesser trivialities. It changes your mindset...your sub-conscious belief system changes in this respect. If you can walk on the hot can literally do anything. Only you...holds yourself back. Firewalking is a symbolic life experience run by an experienced Shamanic and spiritual healer

If you are fearful, stressed, anxious, or wanting to connect with the fire, connect spiritually or wanting to just feel hugely empowered and euphoric, then Firewalking is for you!


Come and join my empowering workshops followed by a firewalk. The choice to walk always remains with you, and if you did chose not to walk, then the empowerment workshop will still benefit you. However 99% of people end up walking...because they want to. The choice is always yours


Watch my short video below in which I address three of the questions I get asked most:


1) Do you have to be spiritual?


2) Is it scary?


3) Does it hurt?

fire walking in the uk





Fire Rite Firewalking holds events all over the UK, but regularly in Bedfordshire with the aim of empowering people and connecting them with the fire. 

I can also run firewalks for Clients all over the UK as an add-on to their event e.g. Retreats, Conferences etc. just ask!


I am able to host empowering Firewalk Events all around the globe.


Contact me for more details. We are renowned for running both big events independently and smaller ones for a more intimate setting when requested by the Client.


shaman michelle martin firewalking fire rite firewalking
shaman michelle martin fire rite firewalking
shaman michelle martin fire rite firewalking
rian o'brien fireheart fire heart firewalking fire rite shaman michelle martin
shaman michelle martin fire rite firewalking
shaman michelle martin fire rite firewalking
shaman michelle martin fire rite firewalking

For more information, or to follow my Facebook page, please clink here: 

Fire Rite Firewalking

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