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About Me... shaman michelle martin 

Ok so just a little about me... I am a former International Sales Director (I worked within the Scientific Research sector for over 20 years), but my life has always involved shamanism and shamanic practice. I was pretty much like a chameleon balancing both worlds and walking with one foot in either.


I resigned from my job and now dedicate my whole life to my passion and soul purpose. So here goes on my background in the Spiritual 'other world'... I’m an experienced Shaman and spiritual healer brought up in South Africa and then later in Ireland. I am eclectic in my practices and receive 'direct spirit teachings'. I don't think there is a one size fits all for people in their healing or their own individual spiritual paths, so my passion has been to explore many other avenues too. As a result I offer my combined experience to assist people in finding their balance and their path. Both sides of my ancestral family were involved with spirit work in their day. I have explored a lot of different ways and found what works best for me and what I can offer that works best for others too. I have worked with many other healing modalities including: Theta healing, Crystal healing, Body Language and The Balance Procedure.


I am an Usui Reiki Master Teacher, Angelic Reiki Master, Advanced NLP therapist, Hypnotherapist, including Past Life Regression and a Herbalist too. I make my own balms, tinctures and sacred oils and sacred tools. I’m a Kambo Practitioner trained and certified by the International Association of Kambo Practitioners (IAKP).


I am also experienced and love working with various plant medicines!


I am further initiated in the Munay-ki Rites, 13th Womb Rite, Nustay Karpay Rites, Fae Magick, Egyptian Magick, Haitian Vodou and I adore working with Sacred Fire ways, which I find hugely transformative and incredibly powerful. I have looked into a lot of different modalities and ways.


I hold and teach workshops including Cacao, Rapé and Guyuasa. I see people on a 1-2-1 basis, either at my home, theirs or remotely via Skype or FaceTime. No matter what you come to me for, you will receive the benefit of my combined experiences across the board.


I attended the world famous Arthur Findlay College and became further interested in mental and physical mediumship, trance and transfiguration and I experimented lots with these. ​I also experimented a lot with both the Quija board and spirit Orbs to see if there was an intelligence with them....and discovered that there definitely was! My experiments with 'Orbs' continues... have a look at some spirit orbs that I have captured HERE


Please also feel free to join me in my Shamanism 5D and BEYOND group on Facebook where I demonstrate how to work with crystals and let you peek into my crystal which will show you portals and faces from other dimensions. I also demonstrate my connection with the Sun and Moon and other forces.


I share and teach people how to connect energetically on all levels.


My spirituality is a full time way of life for me. What has become more important for me over the years is not what the name of the path is that I follow, but what brings the best results to me and my clients and our planet Earth. I work for the CREATOR and through the CREATOR in all my work.


I am also a professionally certified Firewalking Instructor.


Firewalking is one of the most empowering things that any human can do! To walk through your fears is an incredibly symbolic life changing experience for many.


I am passionate about working with the Mind, Body and Spirit bringing them into balance, thereby empowering people to become better and more whole and healed versions of themselves. To reconnect with who they really are. 


​I believe we are in a great time of unrest, facilitating the need for change. Many people are currently experiencing difficulties..., parting ways, and many untruths are starting to surface everywhere, because... they have to come up for closure, thereby paving the way forward. We're in an active shift for changing karmic patterns and more so than ever now. We are in the time of the prophesies.


We are evolving towards full light body status, and linear time travel will one day become something of the norm in order to learn life lessons more quickly (in shamanism we often go back in time as well as time is always now). Emotions and behaviours are stored in our DNA and if we eventually heal on those levels....then we can effectively upgrade our entire families. This allows for maximum potential in each light body worker to create vast changes going forward.


I love this work...and way of life. I never stop learning and growing.


My daily morning routine is dedicated to my work for our CREATOR under the Universal Law of One to balance the Planetary Medicine Wheel for the greater good of all. I spend hours each day on my own personal development too. My paid work is minimal in comparison to this and takes a secondary place during this ascension. I currently only have availability in the afternoons and this is strictly by prior agreed arrangement only.

Why do I do this work?


The spirits have been with me all my life and through some very tough and challenging times. But, I have personally experienced and gained from their wisdom, teachings and guidance over the years and I have seen great benefits with spiritual healing and other healing modalities. It wasn't until my later years that everything started to fall into place for me and I started to understand more of how this all worked for me, and I started to connect the dots.


Now, I love to share my teachings and ways with everyone. I am passionate about showing people that you do not have to remain broken...It's alright to carry our scars, but not our wounds for too long. I want people to feel empowered and more whole. People are so much more than they realise. And I want to help everyone experience this.


Listen to my FREE podcasts HERE

Spiritual Retreats

Spiritual Retreats

egypt shaman
amazon peru


The first time I visited Egypt...I felt like I was going home. I felt connected to the land and the temples and the Gods. The energy is high in the sacred temples and power places and I am delighted to facilitate spiritual tours around Egypt.


Your every need will be catered to from arranging transfers for you from Cairo airport, to your hotel and back again at the end of your stay. Your price will include the transfers, entrance tickets to all the sites, your three meals a day and water, an overnight stay meditating in the desert with the Bedouins. I am pleased to refer my Bedouin friends who will give you an authentic and safe experience.


Please contact me for more details.


































camel egypt shaman
edfu horus egypt shaman
egypt shaman memphis

Amazon, Iquitos

If you would like to experience the Amazon and its beautiful medicines, in an authentic way, then please join my wonderful Peruvian Shaman friends.


Ayahuasca ceremonies are led by Master Shaman Jauriman Garcia Torres and David Torres. Master Shaman Jauriman has been leading Ayahuasca ceremonies for over twenty years.


And with the help of my wonderful Peruvian friend Carlos, he will help organise and plan your trips so that you have safe accommodation, in the jungle. He can arrange for you to join a range of different ceremonies as well as other excursions out into the jungle to see the local wildlife.


Please contact me for more details.




























shaman michelle martin ayahuasca amazon
sloth amazon shaman
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